Thank you for taking the time to review the Designer Event Rentals Commenting Policy!

As a gentle reminder: Our site typically approves most comments automatically, especially if you’ve commented before. However, some comments may be held for moderation under the following circumstances:

  • The comment contains hyperlinks, as spammers often utilize them.
  • It includes inappropriate language or content that violates our standards for civility and respect.
  • Other unspecified reasons deemed necessary for moderation by our team.
  • If you’ve previously violated this Commenting Policy and have been flagged for manual moderation.

In general, we approve all comments unless they are spam or solely serve as promotion for another product or blog without contributing to the post’s discussion.

Should you find your comment hasn’t appeared within 24 hours, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us via email. It’s possible that your comment was mistakenly marked as spam, a category we seldom review except for monthly mass deletions. Please be aware that leaving a comment does not constitute contacting us, as we only engage in private conversations with real individuals, not anonymous IP addresses.

The Moderation Queue:

We emphasize that commenting on our site is a privilege, not an entitlement. Repeatedly uncivil behavior may result in placement in the moderation queue or even automatic blacklisting, where comments are sent directly to trash. We encourage you to contact us via email if you believe you’ve maintained civil commenting standards. However, once on the moderation list, it’s challenging to justify removal.

Examples of uncivil behavior include swearing at others, issuing threats, or engaging in stalking behavior. We urge commenters to reflect on whether their comments contribute positively to the conversation, much like they would at a social gathering. If not, we kindly ask that they refrain from commenting.

We also discourage the use of multiple aliases, particularly within the same thread, as it can create a false impression of consensus. Such behavior may result in placement on the manual moderation list. Additionally, individuals who consistently exhibit uncivil or disrespectful behavior may be permanently moderated. Comments typed entirely in capital letters may also be subject to moderation due to their disruptive nature.

Please note that there is no appeal process for placement on the manual moderation list. However, nearly all civil comments are eventually approved on the same day. Commenters will receive a notification if their comment is in moderation, provided they’ve entered their email address.

Abusive commenters may be blacklisted, ensuring their comments are never approved or seen by an editor.

Please understand that comments may remain in the moderation queue for varying lengths of time, from a few minutes to 24 hours. If this delay proves inconvenient, we respect your decision to seek out alternative platforms with different moderation policies.

Regarding trolls: While we strive to moderate troll comments, a few may slip through the cracks. Rest assured, such comments will be deleted once identified. We encourage readers to disregard them or contact us if they encounter particularly egregious content.

Regarding product links in comments: We reserve the right to convert any recommended link into an affiliate link, provided one exists.

Please be aware that your comments are searchable by Google and considered public. Occasionally, we may utilize comments for articles or testimonials, though they will always remain anonymous. If you wish to have a former comment removed, please contact us from the email associated with that comment.